In 2018, the top ten grappa players had a total turnover of 214 million euros, three million more than the 2017 amount. million in revenues also proved to be the absolute protagonist in terms of year-on-year growth (+ 17%). In second position at 32 million euros is the confirmation of Distillerie Franciacorta, a company acquired in early February by Stock Spirits, already active in the grappa sector with the Julia brand. Distillerie Bonollo completes the podium, third with 26 million receipts.

In 2018, the growth of the grappa sector was hampered not so much by market problems as by the scarcity of raw materials originating from the 2017 harvest, a situation that should repeat itself next year but which certainly did not happen this year (since collection 2018 ready for 2019).

On the other hand, the margins of the companies considered in the study turned out to be more than positive, exceeding the 10% threshold in the ratio between ebitda and turnover. All the top four players (Bonollo Umberto, Franciacorta, Bonollo and Marzadro) obtained a double-digit percentage of EBITDA, even if the highest incidence is that of the tenth classified by turnover or the Piedmontese of Berta Distillerie, capable to reach 27% thanks also to the incoming activity organized in recent years with the opening of a grappa resort.

Grappa therefore appears to be a solid sector capable of offering its leaders the possibility of sustaining even difficult vintages such as the one linked to the 2017 harvest. The strategic lines have been clearly outlined. “Our focus – says Elvio Bonollo, Bonollo Umberto marketing and external relations director – remains the enhancement of the product, the sensory experience linked to grappa tasting, with the commitment and challenge of continuing to offer new products”. In addition, distilleries are trying to reduce third party production to invest in proprietary brands, as for example Berta did: “” In 2018 we reduced our presence in non-strategic areas such as production for private label, reducing revenues but without variations in margins ”, Chicco Berta affirmed.