With sincere sorrow we announce the passing of Cav. Lav. Giuseppe Bonollo, President of AssoDistil from 2000 to 2004 and the first Honorary President of our Association.
A distinctive trait of Giuseppe Bonollo’s personality was his serenity of judgment, always at the service of general interests, combined with undoubted mediation skills, qualities that earned him unanimous esteem and consideration both within AssoDistil and other trade associations and in the institutions. His own workers bear witness to the great generosity of spirit that distinguished him in his human and working relationships, and under his brilliant, wise and far-sighted leadership, Distillerie Bonollo S.p.A, won a prominent place among the leading companies in the distilling sector.
His contributions to the sector include the founding, in 1992, of the “Grappa Documentation Center”: a unique institution of its kind in Italy, which through its study and conference initiatives pursues the promotion and dissemination, in Italy and abroad, of the knowledge of our flagship distillates.
In 1999 to crown this long activity, President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi awarded him the honor of Cavaliere del Lavoro of the Italian Republic.
With his departure, the industry loses a commendable milestone. To his daughters, Mariacarla and Rosanna, goes the warmest embrace of all AssoDistil.