The Gran Galà Vitis 2014 was held in recent days in the splendid setting of Palazzo della Fonte in Fiuggi, promoted by the Italian Sommelier Association, which awarded excellence in Lazio by delivering to Mariacarla Bonollo, of the Distillerie Bonollo S.p.A. of Formigine (Mo), the award “Interpreting the Territory-Italianity in the world” with the following motivation: “Thanks also to the substantial contribution of the Anagni headquarters, today the largest distillery in Europe, Bonollo has wisely keeping up with the times, combining the production of excellent spirits with the most advanced known biotechnologies “.

The recognition was particularly appreciated as it attests to the efforts made by the company for the production of high quality brandies and for the dissemination of the culture and knowledge of grappa in the world, through the Documentation Center dedicated to the memory of the founder Luigi Bonollo.